Los Angeles Equestrian Vaulting Club
@ The Paddock Riding Club
3919 Rigali Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90039
(818) 618-5274

© Copyright 2012 LAEVC
Special Thanks to:
EVA LUND for opening your Moonshadow Ranch to our team and making us always feel welcome and at home.
LINDA NIEBER for your continued financial support to our LAEVC trot team.
LB VAULTING Barrels for our unique Mechanical Vaulting Barrel which raised the bar in both training and excitement for our vaulters.
FELT PRO Pad for the comfort and beauty looks of our vaulting pads.
KRISTENSEN VAULTING SUPPLIES for providing us with lasting professional vaulting tack.
VIVIANA & ALBERTO de SANTIAGO for the delicious ALDESA TACOS served on our LAEVC competition.

Moonshadow Ranch,
Home of Special Spirit, Inc.
Special Thanks
to Eva Lund and all our friends at Moonshadow Ranch, home of Special Spirit, Inc. for your support and friendship.
Thank you for opening your wonderful facility
to us.